“Jessica Alexander is a community leader that fights for every person in her city by striving to have clear and transparent local government, a prosperous small business sector and most importantly, safety for all residents that live in Temecula. Re-electing leaders like Jessica is how we will continue to maintain the same quality of life that we have all come to love about this area.”

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Jon LevellMurrieta City Council - District 1

“On behalf of CAL FIRE Local 2881, representing the professional firefighters who work and serve in Riverside County, we are proud to endorse your candidacy for Temecula City Council. You have a history of supporting firefighters and have been a strong advocate for the public safety of Riverside County. CAL FIRE Local 2881 represents over 8,000 front line firefighters working for CAL FIRE throughout California. We hope this endorsement of your candidacy will assist you, and more importantly the voters of Riverside County in making their choice on Election Day. CAL FIRE Local 2881 looks forward to continuing this outstanding working relationship with you.”

cal fire 2881
Tim Edwards & Mark GarcieCAL FIRE Local 2881

“We at All From the Heart are proud to endorse Jessica Alexander for Temecula City Council. Jessica is a warrior for God, a warrior for our City, and a proud Veteran who served our country.  As a proud Veteran, Jessica shows up in person to support our local military non-profits representing our City with pride. Jessica has our support for another term on the Council.”

Judy Harter - All From the Heart
Judy HarterAll From the Heart

“Jessica has served her country honorably, and continues to serve her community and region with the same esprit de corps instilled in her as a fellow Marine. I’m proud to support her and honored to call her a friend.”

Steve Sanchez endorsement of Jessica Alexander
Steve SanchezLa Quinta Council Member

“For the last 3 plus years, Councilwoman Jessica Alexander has served the people of Temecula with integrity with one thing in mind; what is best for the people of Temecula. She has stood on the values that make Temecula great. She has stood for the people that have no voice in government; she listens to the weak and ill. In spite of being an outcast by the elite, she is a voice of the people. We, the Murrieta Temecula Republican Assembly, are proud to endorse and stand behind Councilwoman Alexander in her quest for a second term on the Temecula City Council.”

MTRA Golden Eagle 2x2 logo
Murrieta Temecula Republican Assembly

“Dear Citizens of Temecula,
I am writing to offer my enthusiastic endorsement for Council Member Jessica Alexander, whose dedication, leadership, and unwavering commitment to the community of Temecula has been truly exemplary.”

00 Ruiz
Crystal RuizMayor Pro Tem Of Hemet

​”Jessica is a fighter. More now than ever we need strong leadership!”

00 Lori
Lori StoneMayor Of Murrieta

​”As a former Police Officer, Jessica is committed to keeping the families of Temecula safe; as well as her duty to restore Constitutional Government and limited power; placing the well-being of our town’s residents as her highest priority. Please, support Jessica Alexander.”

00 Mike Morell
Mike MorellFormer California State Senator

“Jessica is exactly what the city of Temecula needs. She has the integrity to build for the future while keeping the charm we all love from the past. It is my honor to endorse Jessica Alexander.”

00 lisa
Jill LeonardLake Elsinore School Board Member

“Jessica places service above self and always asks tough questions to ensure that her constituents are being well served. The residents of Temecula are lucky to have Jessica Alexander on their side.”

00 Evan
Evan TrubeePalm Desert City Councilman